Does using a second monitor affect CPU usage?

A second monitor can be a useful addition to any computer setup, allowing for increased productivity and multitasking. However, one common concern among users is whether using a second monitor affects CPU usage. In this article, we will explore this topic in-depth, examining how using a second monitor can affect CPU usage, and whether there are any ways to mitigate its impact.

What is CPU usage?

Before we dive into the impact of a second monitor on CPU usage, let’s first define what CPU usage is. CPU usage refers to the percentage of the central processing unit (CPU) that is being utilized by the computer’s operating system and applications. When a program or application is running, it requires CPU resources to function, and the more resources it requires, the higher the CPU usage will be.

How does using a second monitor affect CPU usage?

When you connect a second monitor to your computer, your system has to work harder to display information on both screens. This can lead to an increase in CPU usage, especially if you are running graphics-intensive applications or programs that require a lot of processing power.

The impact on CPU usage can vary depending on the type of second monitor you are using, as well as the resolution and refresh rate of the displays. For example, using a high-resolution monitor with a refresh rate of 144Hz will require more CPU resources than a lower resolution monitor with a refresh rate of 60Hz.

Additionally, the impact on CPU usage can also depend on the type of content you are displaying on your second monitor. For instance, displaying static images or text documents will have a lower impact on CPU usage than running a video or game on the second screen.

Can you mitigate the impact of using a second monitor on CPU usage?

Fortunately, there are several ways to mitigate the impact of using a second monitor on CPU usage. One option is to adjust the settings on your second monitor to reduce the resolution or refresh rate, which will lower the demand for CPU resources. You can also close any unnecessary applications or programs running in the background to free up additional CPU resources.

Another way to reduce the impact of a second monitor on CPU usage is to upgrade your graphics card. A more powerful graphics card can handle the additional workload of a second monitor more efficiently, reducing the strain on the CPU.


Q: Does using a second monitor affect gaming performance? A: Yes, using a second monitor can impact gaming performance, as it requires additional resources from your computer’s CPU and graphics card.

Q: Can using a second monitor cause overheating? A: It is unlikely that using a second monitor will cause overheating, as long as your computer’s cooling system is functioning properly.

Q: Can I use a second monitor with a laptop without affecting CPU usage? A: Using a second monitor with a laptop can affect CPU usage, but you can mitigate its impact by adjusting the display settings and closing unnecessary programs.

Q: Will using a second monitor slow down my computer? A: Using a second monitor can slow down your computer if you are running CPU-intensive applications or have a low-powered graphics card.

Q: Can I use a second monitor with a low-powered computer? A: Yes, you can use a second monitor with a low-powered computer, but you may experience slower performance and increased CPU usage.


Using a second monitor can be a great way to increase productivity and multitasking, but it can also impact CPU usage. By adjusting display settings, closing unnecessary programs, and upgrading your graphics card